Gold Coin Grams

$5 Liberty Half Eagle Gold Coin (XF)

$5 Liberty Half Eagle Gold Coin (XF)
$5 Liberty Half Eagle Gold Coin (XF)

$5 Liberty Half Eagle Gold Coin (XF)    $5 Liberty Half Eagle Gold Coin (XF)

We will deliver this coin depending on availability, so the minting year may vary. Obverse: It displays Lady Liberty, designed by Christian Gobercht and surrounded by stars. Reverse: It depicts the coat of arms of America with other inscriptions, including face value and country of issue. Face Value: 5 Dollars (USD).

Legal Tender: Legal tender backed by the US government. Dimensions: Diameter of 21.6 mm and 1.59 mm in Thickness. Packaging: Each coin comes in protective packaging and multiples of 20 in tubes.

The Obverse of the coin features the head of Lady Liberty facing left. It is designed by Christian Gobercht and was remodeled in 1840 and 1866. This obverse design includes the Lady wearing a Phrygian cap inscribed "LIBERTY" on its hair band.

The distinctive green-gold color of the coin is considered to be the reason for the minting of gold ore from Charlotte and Dahlonega, which includes high reserves of silver content. The portrayal of Lady is encircled by 13 stars who pay homage to the initial 13 colonies that united to form the United States of America. It includes an American eagle with a shield attached to its chest holding an olive branch (peace) and a bundle of arrows (war) in each claw.

Above the eagle is the motto of the US, "IN GOD WE TRUST, " inscribed on a ribbon, and other inscriptions of "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and FIVE D. The US Mint was founded in 1792 and has since been minting, striking, and distributing legal tender coinages and numismatics. Hence, the mint mark can change depending on the facility where the coin was minted. Affiliations with Mints & Trusted Entities.

$5 Liberty Half Eagle Gold Coin (XF)    $5 Liberty Half Eagle Gold Coin (XF)